Bowdon Killer Bees 4 - Crewe 1Interesting hockey weather... A bit of everything really - hail, rain, sunshine. An amusing backdrop to a good game of exhibition hockey for the Bees on one of their regular (Hah!) wet pitch slots. The Bees dominated the first half of the game against a youthful Crewe side, who repeatedly failed to get the ball through their weak midfield to their whizzy attackers. The Bees took only a few minutes to drop into a steady passing rythm and had 80% of the possession. Guest player Will Marshall, called up at short notice to replace a hormone-frenzied Stuart Buggeridge made his mark up front and soon scored a goal, abley supported in the midfield by Mr Harris, and behind him, in stealth mode - Yokker. The well oiled machine that is the Killer Bee right wing, made up of Messrs Campbell & Phillips went into action, resulting in a goal apiece. Short corner routines were slick, and the pitch was a hive of activity. All this rushing about malarky eventually caught up with us in the second half & Crewe began to make the odd foray into our dee. A second goal followed from Will, who was being given a wide berth by his opposite number, due to the impressive amount of booze he had consumed some few hours previously. At this point special mention must go to our keeper, Adrian 'No, really
- you have it. I insist' Reid. Adrian, having had it drummed into him
for years by Bill Ball that we are, above all, a sporting club, took it
upon himself to even things up a bit by saving a perfectly good shot,
but then offering the same chap the opportunity to show if he could do
any better. Which he could Q. |