Bowdon Killer Bees 4 - Bowdon Killer Bees 5
What's this? The Bees playing with themselves?
Let's not even go there... To clarify things, the Bees were joined by
a select elite from the Ladies first, second and third elevens to play
some mixed hockey, (and put some money behind the bar in case the cricketers
have forgotten how to do this!).
So, some of you reading this will have been on the other
side to me, in which case you won, not lost. All I can say is that you've
let the whole team down by ensuring the final (probably) match report
goes down as a loss. Tut. Unless one of you wants to write a report from
the other side of the fence? No? Thought not... 
The game started with some quality school playground
style team picking by the two captains. Sally-Ann pulled a blinder by
picking Jimmy, so the psychological warfare began by me picking his 'Special
Friend', Miss P. Despite the fact that team selection quickly polarised
into Sal picking strong players and me picking attractive blondes (Andy
& Carl, you don't fall into that category btw. I had to pick
some blokes), the teams proved surprisingly well matched, as
the final scoreline shows.
The game got off to a good start for my side (the proper
Bees) as we applied pressure immediately & got a couple of shots on
goal. We initally held back the counterattack, but it felt like hard work.
This was probably explained by the fact that the opposition's devious
and underhand captain had put all fifteen players on the pitch at once.
Having straightened out this 'oversight' on Sal's part (she is new to
the game apparently...) the game continued apace. It was up and down stuff
with my side building a two goal lead, only to lose it and regain it again.
By the third quarter things were all square. Harry the
Cat had put in some excellent saves at our end, while Mr Higham had made
a nuisance of himself in nets for the oppo. Yours truely had wandered
up the pitch as usual ,
leaving the ultra-dependable Messrs Tennant and Braithwaite to hold the
fort at the back. The predictable Fishy-vs-Fishy midfield battle made
great spectator sport. The oppo had already taken out one of my star blondes,
the future-mrs-moss, and had a good attempt at taking out Andy as well.
Unfortunately Colin made the mistake of whacking Andy in the head, where
it was least likely to damage anything important, so Braithers still stayed
in the game... For our part, Harry made a stirling effort to seperate
Jimmy 'Two Heads' from his gonads, which would have quite helpful if it
had worked as Jimmy was causing us lots of problems (unlike Yokker. Muhahahaha...).
Despite stirling midfield work by Sarah P, Big Fishy,
Tiffster, Stickie and dribble-goddess Belinda, and some great attacking
moves by the two Daves, Chris Marsh, Ellie and that ever-so-nice Vicky
girl, the oppo caught up & overtook us by a single goal before the
final whistle blew (... in what was surely one of the greatest travesties
this game has ever seen, etc etc blah blah).
More Cava than Champagne hockey, it was nevertheless
an extremely enjoyable game. (You could tell it was on a budget when the
only chearleaders we could come up with were Charlie, Baywatch & Spaceman.
Ugh). Thanks to the ladieeeez for coming along & to all the other
flotsam who turned up and have remained unnamed (Like Skippy. Doh! Now
he's been named ).
