Bowdon Killer Bees 3 - Didsbury 3A cancellation by the Ladies gave us a rare astro slot
up at the Devisdale, so the Bees were up for some power-hockey! The line
up was quirky, with 'Barn door' Swarbrick absent due to Satan worship
Didsbury turned up a man short & called upon the
legendary Bowdon sportsmanship for an extra player. If you have read last
weeks match report you'll appreciate that
there was only one possible candidate, and thus it was that we passed
on the biggest liability in the club - Braithwaite. Severely handicapped
from the start, Didsbury put up a good fight but some out-of-character
running & passing by the Bees put us in the lead by half time. Didsbury
also broke a couple of times & despite Fishie's valiant attempt to
hospitalise their right winger, they also slotted a couple away. Noteable
in the first half was the whole teams' excellent work rate, and some memorable
misses by Mr Darbyshire, who was obviously finding it easy to emulate
Yokker in the oppo's Dee The second half saw the Bees start to fade, having (as
all top class athletes do) burnt out by half time. Didsbury went ahead
with another break and the Bees were looking a bit cream crackered. Taking
a leaf out of Fishies book, Andy White made a laudable effort at removing
the traitorous Braithwaite from the pitch. Just when it seemed that we
might lose the game by a goal, which seemed a crying shame considering
how well everyone had played in the first half, Dave Phillips (having,
er, let the rest of us lull Didsbury into a false sense of security It was a good competetive game with the right result & everyone enjoyed themselves. Thanks to Mr Tennant Jnr who kindly umpired for us (always an experience when little Fish is playing...). So, we've lost one, then drawn one: my trend analysis suggests a win against Deeside, so we shall see... |