Bowdon Killer Bees 5 - Sefton 2Dear Reader Allow me to take you on a brief journey through my hockey
career: So what happened I hear you ask, why is this one-man brick wall no longer in goal. And instead a criminally under-rated creative midfielder? (You've got the 'criminal' bit right! - 24x7 abusive Ed) Well the thing is I just didn’t enjoy it, there were times when I touched the ball once or twice in a game, and that was that. Just turn up, stand and watch and go home, not enough fun for me. So I played outfield, learnt to play brilliant defence splitting passes, and enjoyed being able to take a full part in the game. And do you know what, my views on playing in goal are
not unique in the Bees. We just don’t want to do it, but someone
has to; so each week we take it turns, knowing that we all have to do
it eventually, so we accept it and get on with the game. There are times
in a team sport when there are weeks that you put in, more than you get
out. And a Bees turn in goal, is that week. So what’s all this got to do with Sefton away,
I hear you ask. Well last Saturday, a player (without glasses! - Wanting
to stay out of prison Ed And so to all present and future Bees, if you play regularly
for the Bees, you will be asked to play in goal. If you believe that you
are too good to play in goal for the Bees, then please don’t accept
the invitation to play. Oh the game; it was an enjoyable 5.2 win for the 9 stalwarts
against a Sefton Badgers 11. Francis Fallon seemingly managed to mark
3 opponents at the same time, and Dave Phillips was a predictably dominant
figure on the right wing.
PS a more normal match report would probably have made some mention of the Captain's journey to the game, and his discovery that we weren’t playing at Northern, when we were in a traffic jam in Liverpool City centre, when the game should have started. But I’ll leave that for a different match report. |