Blackpool IIs 5 - Bowdon IXs 1Ah, the vagaries of hockey selection. On Monday we had
two keepers, by Saturday 'twas none! Step forward, tattooed man-of-the-hills...
Trigger! This joint seaside outing of the Vets & the Bees saw
another welcome appearance by Don Di Rollo (sparing time from his 'family
business' in Italy Blackpool took pushback & sportingly sent it into
our half... then the rest of the team followed & about 20 minutes
later when Bowdon defence next saw daylight we realised that we had our
work cut out!!! Some useful comments were made during the half-time break & it was decided to drop two of the three forwards to midfield whilst leaving the newly-rejuvenated Mr Cooper to roam around the oppo's half when the odd opportunity for a lash from the back presented itself. As the second half progressed, & despite Blackpool continuing to dominate, Bowdon featured significantly more in the play. The Bees defence & enhanced midfield increased their possession & built some nice attacks which had Blackpool falling back to their Dee. Some occassionally heated 'guidance' to the umpires was given by a couple of oppo players but generally the game passed without incident. Bowdon seemed to be enjoying a slightly more balanced game & despite conceding another goal, managed to pressure Blackpool into conceding their third short. Finding his form as 'injector', Shot-dead Marshall sent the ball to the Captain's stick who managed to get some decent contact with the ball & put it into the backboard. Strike one for Bowdon! Several more Bowdon forays into their half resulted in various shots on goal & another penalty corner, however we failed to score off them & the oppo capitalised on this to put away their fifth & final goal. When the final whistle went the game had moved from a potential massacre in the first few minutes of the game to a much more enjoyable (though hard) hockey excursion! I suspect that, looking at the results to date (for the
Bees at any rate), most of us would like to get another win under our
belt (step forward, Mr "I'm sick of Please do not contact the management about the unusually
high factual content of this match report! As soon as someone else volunteers
normal service will be resumed! |